Are your ears ringing? Here’s how to know if you have Tinnitus.

It all begins in the ear. You hear a faint ringing sound. Or, you might hear a loud high-pitched buzzing sound in your ears that others might not be able to hear around you. Even though you might feel alarmed, know that you are not alone. About 15 percent of Americans have ear complaints and have reported that their ears keep ringing. It is a common symptom of tinnitus experienced by about 50 million people.

Sometimes, it might not be a ringing sound that wakes you up from your sleep. It might even sound like a roaring, buzzing, clicking, or hissing sound. There is a common misconception that tinnitus occurs in both ears simultaneously. The truth is that the unwanted sound can be heard in just one ear!

However, there is a way to not only manage and alleviate these symptoms but also to prevent such a condition which is known as tinnitus.

The best way to understand this particular ear condition is to know its causes. Some of the common causes of tinnitus are:

Ear infection: An ear infection can be the result of a buildup of fluid in the ear that causes pressure resulting in a buzzing or ringing sound in your ear. Ensure that you incorporate an ear-cleanup in your daily self-care routine. It is important to keep the ear lubricated, however, it is essential to clear it of any dirt, debris, etc.

Ear canal blockage: The ear canals are sensitive areas of your ear. Foreign materials are likely to get trapped in the internal ear hairs which might over time lead to a blockage that would change the pressure in the ear, thus, leading to tinnitus.

Medications: Some strong medicines can have unwanted side-effects that could result in or exacerbate tinnitus, especially, if the ears are already sensitive. A higher dose of such medications can have a worse effect on the tinnitus. Certain antibiotics, cancer drugs, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and diuretics have proven to have a negative impact on tinnitus. Therefore, it is important to learn about all the side-effects before consuming such medications.

Injury to the head or neck: The ear, the brain, and the neck are more interconnected with each other internally than it might appear externally. As the brain is the center of all senses and actions, trauma to the head can directly impact the ear canals and thus impair your hearing ability–or, in some cases lead to a sensation of hearing a sound that is not actually present. Sometimes the nerves in the brain and the neck might be hurt which could even lead to tinnitus in one or both ears.

Other common causes of tinnitus include: changing hormone levels in women, sinus infection, and noise-related hearing loss.

It is better to get ahead of this condition before it sets in so that you can start making lifestyle choices that would make your ears stronger. Avoiding areas where there are loud noises, wearing noise-canceling or noise-controlling gear while sleeping could help alleviate the discomfort associated with tinnitus.

If you notice the beginning of a ringing sound or a buzz in your ears, it might be time to seek out nutrients and vital minerals that would strengthen the internal parts of your ears such as the ones found in the Tranquil Ear and Tranqil Ear P.M. capsules.